6. Margaret MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 20 Oct 1807 in North Carolina. She died 1880/1892 and was buried in Liberty Cemetery Duffee, MS..
Margaret married Daniel Marion MUNN, son of Daniel MUNN, on 27 Dec 1826 in Greene County, AL.. Daniel was born 14 Dec 1799 in North Carolina. He died 1870/1880 and was buried in Liberty Cemetery Duffee, MS..
They had the following children:
+ 18 M i William C. MUNN + 19 M ii John B. MUNN + 20 F iii Mary Ann Cathrine MUNN 21 F iv Martha Jane MUNN was born 5 Jul 1834 in Alabama. 22 M v James Jefferson MUNN was born 25 Dec 1836 in Alabama. 23 F vi Nancy Eler MUNN was born 24 Feb 1840 in Mississippi. She died 24 Feb 1911 in Newton County MS. and was buried in Newton County MS.. + 24 M vii Neal Hamilton MUNN 25 F viii Margaret Artillia MUNN was born 1 Apr 1846 in Newton County MS.. She died 1846/1850 in Newton County MS.. + 26 F ix Amanda Ealdin MUNN + 27 M x Daniel Marion MUNN,Jr
7. Elizabeth MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 1808 in N.C.. She died after 1860 in Pontotoc MS.
Elizabeth married Richard VAUGHAN on 11 Sep 1827 in Greene County AL. Richard was born 1802 in TN. He died after 1860 in Pontotoc MS.
They had the following children:
+ 28 M i James M VAUGHAN + 29 F ii Caroline Coniga VAUGHAN 30 M iii Richard J VAUGHAN was born Dec 1831 in Pickens County AL. He died after 1900 in Prairie AR. Richard married Nancy C SMITH. + 31 M iv Daniel B VAUGHAN 32 F v Elizabeth VAUGHAN was born 1835 in Pickens, County AL. Elizabeth married SEAMSTER . + 33 F vi Rebecca Ann F. VAUGHAN + 34 F vii Mary J VAUGHAN + 35 M viii John W VAUGHAN + 36 F ix Martha E VAUGHAN + 37 M x Norman W VAUGHAN 38 F xi Sarah VAUGHAN was born 1850 in Pontotoc MS.
9. Norman Ranson MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 00-00-1814 in N.C..
Norman married Sarah Lucinda WOODWARD, daughter of John WOODWARD and Mary Rebecca JOHNSON. Sarah was born 00-00-1819 in N.C..
They had the following children:
39 F i Sara MUNN was born 00-00-1841 in Ala. 40 M ii John Munn was born 1843 in MS. 41 M iii William MUNN was born 00-00-1849 in MS. 42 M iv James MUNN was born 1849 in MS. + 43 M v Edward Loper MUNN + 44 M vi Elic H MUNN 45 F vii Lucinda Ann MUNN was born 00-07-1857 in Newton County MS.
10. Mary MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 00-00-1815 in N.C..
Mary married Charles BAIN about 1838 in Greee County AL. Charles was born 00-00-1820 in NC.
They had the following children:
11. Daniel L. MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 00-00-1817 in NC. He died 00-00-1889 in Pontotoc MS.
They had the following children:
52 M i Robert D MUNN was born 00-00-1848 in Pontotoc MS. 53 M ii James H MUNN was born 22 Oct 1849 in Pontotoc MS. He died 7 Aug 1907 and was buried in New Harmon Cem Union MS. + 54 M iii John B MUNN 55 M iv Thomas A MUNN was born 21 Dec 1853 in Pontotoc MS. was buried in Bethel Cem Pontotoc MS. Thomas married Minnie BOLAND. Minnie was born 28 Dec 1962. She died 14 Aug 1900 and was buried GERNIGAN CEM. 56 F v Mary F MUNN was born 00-00-1856 in Pontotoc MS. 57 F vi Martha Jane MUNN was born 00-00-1858 in Polntotoc MS. Martha married William R PRICE on 1 Apr 1883 in Pontotoc MS. William was born 00-00-1856 in Pontotoc MS. + 58 M vii Joseph Anderson MUNN
12. John MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 10 May 1819 in Ala.. He died 9 Oct 1882 in Newton County MS and was buried UNKNOWN.
John married Sara Jane Huggins, daughter of Carter HUGGINS and Emily , on 00-00-1855. Sara was born 13 Jan 1838. She died 22 Oct 1916 in Lamar Co MS and was buried DAN SUMRALL CEM in Lamar Co MS.
They had the following children:
+ 59 F i Malissa A. MUNN + 60 M ii John N MUNN + 61 F iii Malinda Ann MUNN + 62 F iv Oleanna MUNN + 63 M v George Walter MUNN + 64 M vi Albert Christian MUNN 65 M vii Samuel MUNN Samuel married no name.
13. Sarah MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 00-00-1822 in Ala.
Sarah married Eli WOODARD about 1842 in MS. Eli was born 00-00-1821 in AL.
They had the following children:
14. James MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 00-00-1824 in Ala.
James married (1) Cynthia HARDWICK on 23 Sep 1850 in Pontotoc MS. Cynthia was born 00-00-1826 in AL. She died before 1870 in MS.
They had the following children:
+ 74 F i Mary Margaret MUNN 75 F ii Martha MUNN was born 00-00-1856 in MS. + 76 F iii Nancy MUNN
James also married (2) Mahala SIMS.
15. Martha MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 00-00-1827 in AL.
Martha married William BUGG about 1844 in MS. William was born 00-00-1825 in AL.
They had the following children:
77 M i James BUGG was born 00-00-1846 in MS. 78 M ii William BUGG was born 00-00-1847 in Pontotoc MS. 79 F iii Mary BUGG was born 00-00-1848 in Pontotoc MS.
16. Nancy MUNN (Daniel L. Munn , Alexander Munn , ) was born 00-00-1829 in AL.
Nancy married William Henry H DOLLAR on 11 Aug 1829 in Lauderdale MS. William was born 00-00-1825 in SC.
They had the following children:
17. Daniel Marion MUNN (Daniel MUNN , James Munn , ) was born 14 Dec 1799 in North Carolina. He died 1870/1880 and was buried in Liberty Cemetery Duffee, MS..
Daniel married Margaret MUNN, daughter of Daniel L. Munn and UNKNOWN , on 27 Dec 1826 in Greene County, AL.. Margaret was born 20 Oct 1807 in North Carolina. She died 1880/1892 and was buried in Liberty Cemetery Duffee, MS..
They had the following children:
+ 87 M i William C. MUNN is printed as #18. + 88 M ii John B. MUNN is printed as #19. + 89 F iii Mary Ann Cathrine MUNN is printed as #20. 90 F iv Martha Jane MUNN is printed as #21. 91 M v James Jefferson MUNN is printed as #22. 92 F vi Nancy Eler MUNN is printed as #23. + 93 M vii Neal Hamilton MUNN is printed as #24. 94 F viii Margaret Artillia MUNN is printed as #25. + 95 F ix Amanda Ealdin MUNN is printed as #26. + 96 M x Daniel Marion MUNN,Jr is printed as #27.