BROOKS family
By F. Harrison
This page give the descendants of John Nathaniel BROOKS born SC married 1838 in Sumter Co., AL and settled in Newton Co., MS in 1851. To view the two daughters of John please go to the sir name page of their husband. For Millie Allic Brooks that married John Dennis Harrison see the Harrison page. To view the descendants of Mary Emily Brooks that married Nathaniel Pierce Dean see the Dean page. Go to the Thames page to view Millie Elizabeth Brooks (a granddaughter of john Brooks and a daughter of Matthew Brooks) that married William R. Thames. This Web page does not list anyone born much after 1900 as I was asked by some family members not to list their name on the web. A book has been written on the Brooks family, called Brooks-Harrison-Dean families of Newton Co., MS. The book lists all descendants that were born up to 1997. The book possible list 80 percent of all descendants of John and Millicent Brooks. For a hardback copy of the book send email to or mail to Frank Harrison, P. O. Box 787, Gautier, MS 39553. Benjamin Brooks was selected as being John N. Brooks father after researching every Brooks's families in SC, NC, TN, AL and GA in the 1820 and 1830 census. Was able to eliminate all other Brooks's families except for Benjamin. A grandson of Mary Emily Brooks Dean remembered his grandmother saying that we were kin to the Beckham in Philadelphia, MS and to the Edwards family. All siblings for John Brooks were listed per the statement by the grandson, the census and marriage records of Sumter Co., AL. The sibling listed for John Brooks also match the age and sex of the children of Benjamin Brooks and Sarah Toomer in the 1820 and 1830 census. Have no other proof that Benjamin is John father. If anyone have more information on this Benjamin Brooks or any of his children, please email at: . I will furnish more information if needed.
You may view the DEAN/DEEN or THAMES families in this section, as descendants of John N. Brooks or go to the DEAN or THAMES pages in the Web Site of the Newton County Connection.
In this section see Millie (Mary) Elizabeth "Bettie" BROOKS that married William Robert THAMES
Return to the Newton County Mississippi Connection home page
Allen Francis "Frank" Harrison
P. O. Box 787
Gautier, MS 39553
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This web site produced 07 Aug 1999 by Personal Ancestral File, a product of
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.